Friday, December 2, 2011

This is a test. This is only a test.

Check. Check.  One, two, three.  Check.

Is this thing on?

If you can read this, then perhaps I am actually as smart as a fifth grader.  In a few weeks, I hope to use this site to chronicle our trip to India.  I would like to get in a little practice beforehand though, so I'll make a post or two about preparing for our trip, just to get my feet wet.

Since I named the blog "The Quinine Chronicles" (an apropos suggestion from my friend Jane, thank you Jane), I thought I would post a photo of our anti-malaria meds to practice posting photos.  

I carefully took the meds out of the fridge, and tried to photograph quickly, as they are supposed to remain cold.  And just now I realized that the meds I photographed are not an anti-malarial drug (that's what we'll start next week) but rather the typhoid drug Vivotif.  So many prophylactics, it's hard to keep them straight!

Thanks for joining me here.  I feel a bit silly about blogging, and I'm not sure why, but I'm committed to give it a go. 


  1. I look forward to hearing about your adventures! Write on!

  2. I did get this in my blogroll today. For some odd reason all of the posts showed up today, but my igoogle blog roll has random moments of stupidity, so who knows. Anyway, you are showing up now and that's a good start. Maybe it wasn't the wine after all?
