Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Last (Steak) Supper

Isabelle seems excited about the upcoming travels. She has been planning (and is enthusiastic) for the 30 hours of transit. She is expecting there to be tons and tons of people, many of whom will be  poor and/or sick. She is ready to dive into a new culture and new cuisine... but she is terrified at the prospect of going for three weeks without beef.

 Cue soft, sappy instrumental music....

You see, we try to do what is right for the planet. We use public transport and bikes/feet when possible. We recycle. We cook food from scratch. We compost. We try to live as simply as possible... but we love our beef.

There. I said it, We're ... omnivores! Isabelle understands that there is meat to be eaten in India. She knows there will be chicken. We've introduced her to goat, which she found quite tasty, but still she worries and wonders about life without beef. I promised her a "last supper" of sorts, which we enjoyed last night. New York strip on the grill, with roasted potatoes, my dad's red wine reduction, and a hearty salad. 

I'm taking wagers on how long she will hold out before longing for a steak...  my guess is three days.


  1. Last supper. LMAO! And, I'm betting three days is pushing it. When you know can't have something, it just makes you want it more. Funny how that works.

  2. We have a stopover in Paris tomorrow night. Even though it will be 6 am local time, she is already planning her airport steak. ;-)

  3. Oh tough for you. A stopover in Paris. Can I tell you that is my favorite city in the world so far. Bon appetit!
