Saturday, December 24, 2011

Driving in India

One could wax poetic about the intricacies of driving in India... but the truth is, it's too complicated to explain and I doubt I could do it justice.  Below is a video of driving down the coastal road between Chennai and Mamallapuram.  Thankfully, we had Ganesha (the remover of obstacles) on the dashboard, and thus, we survived.  Fasten your seat belts, please.


I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas.  We are celebrating Christmas Eve with a fondue made of cheese we smuggled in from the States.  Champagne has been opened, fire works have been lit.  Santa is sure to find this house!


  1. Happy Holidays!! I'm grateful you have Ganesha,too. It looks like he'll come in handy. I think I would need some ear plugs and a book to distract me from freaking while the car is moving, too. LOL! Many hugs and say hi to Santa since he will be making his rounds to you first this year. :D

  2. Blog on you're doing very well and I'm on your trip. Happy Christmas, Annie!
